Warsaw Climate Meetings — about meat, both far and near

Climate scientists say that climate is better off when you “lose the beef” rather than “keep it local”.  It’s a choice between local jobs and the environment.  Most people choose “local jobs”, but don’t know about this conclusion, posted at the Warsaw climate change talks for 2013:

…the distribution of food accounts for only around 10% of food related GHG emissions. It is therefore important for consumers to put less emphasis on choosing their food according to so-called ‘food miles’ and rather change their consumption behaviour in order to
influence the demand for sustainable low emission products. Many consumers, given the right support, have the power to influence how food is produced through exercising their right to choose by excluding or reducing GHG heavy foods such as meat. In order to exercise this
right effectively, the evidence-base must be strengthened, (and confusing or misleading claims removed), to ensure consumers know which choices to make. This can be strengthened by education, an increase in sustainable choices, and should always be viewed in conjunction with government and industry actions.

2. Recommendations
Consumer organisations should
·  Encourage and assist consumers in changing their behaviour regarding food consumption by underlining those areas where there is vast potential for a positive impact through small changes, particularly eating less meat and moving the emphasis away from ‘food miles’.
Industry should
·  Continuously increase the range of sustainable products, including a wider variety of vegetarian food.
Governments should
·  Use regulatory and fiscal measures, and both incentives and penalties, including through taxation, to ensure producers and distributors produce and distribute food in a sustainable manner.
·  Use economic instruments to make sustainable food choices cheaper for consumers.

The magic word here is “education”.  That’s what this is about and what it’s always been about.

It’s about the food

Starting with healthy food, then building in the spices that make it taste yummy, then adding in the practice of making food, and eating it with friends, family, like-minded strangers.  Sounds easy enough; but not really.

Delight in these dishes, where the only meat you see is on the people’s bodies.

meat-substitute called seitan.

big_potluck pesto potluck_plate

Posting Up at Earthsave Louisville

This is my fifth install of a WordPress install for EarthSave Louisville.  Lots to be learned about sequel servers and backend blogging systems.  But that’s not the issue.  The issue is our food system, our choices therein, and the implications of everything.


I’ll slowly get into it as I see that the system won’t crash.  There is a 10% chance that I can use the old archived SQL blog entries from years past, which are still relevant now.  This is the main website:  http://louisville.earthsave.org